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CPT Coding by Index or Specialty

Hi I have about 15 yrs exp in billing and some coding. I have decided to take the plunge and get my coding certificate. Its really hard to bill if you dont have the knowledge of coding.

I am having issues with the right way to code. I have read you should code from the index and not the specialty. When I code from the index I always get the answer wrong. Does it really matter? Do you have any index tips for coding?

Thank you

Alicia Scott

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First let me say that I like your saying it is hard to bill if you don't have the knowledge of coding. I find this to be true. They go hand in hand.

You want to first look up the main term in the Alpha Index then go to the Tabular with the information you are given there. Don't code from the Alpha Index. It does not give you the full description of the code. In addition the guidelines are not noted in the the Index.

Happy Coding!
Thanks Alicia for your response. I just read you should start with index but it really confuses me. I like just going straight to section. Yes its really hard to bill accurately and maximizing the reimbursements if you don't have a coding background. Excited to finally get this knowledge and have the whole package.

Thank you for all your help