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December 2016 CCO Graduates, COC, CRC and CPC Exam Passers – Part 4


Mary Miral

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“Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”
— John Wooden
Congratulations to our new CCO graduates and 2016 COC, CRC and CPC Exam Passers. You did your best and it was more than enough to bring the success that you well deserve. May more opportunities come your way. Your CCO family feels honored to have met you along your journey to success. Our heartfelt congratulations to all of you!


Amanda Bartlett - COC - 12/03/2016 - Using COC Blitz
Robin Lester - CPC - 12/14/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CCO Q&A Webinars, CPC Blitz
Kathleen Letterman - CPC - 12/10/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CPC Blitz
Tiffany Burton - CPC - 12/03/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CPC Blitz, Practice Exams
Donna Watson - CRC - 12/17/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CRC Course, CRC Blitz
Ashleigh K. McMillen - CPC - 12/20/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CCO Q&A Webinars, CPC Blitz, Practice Exams
RaNae Crump - CPC - 09/10/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CCO Q&A Webinars, CPC Course (PBC), CPC Blitz, Practice Exams
Shannon Joyner - CPC - 12/16/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CCO Q&A Webinars, CPC Blitz
Grace Ross, RN, CPC-A - CPC - 12/17/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CCO Q&A Webinars, CPC Course (PBC), CPC Blitz, Practice Exams
Patrice Echols - CPC - 12/17/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CPC Blitz, Practice Exams
Debbie Kress - CPC - 12/22/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CPC Blitz, Practice Exams
Leah Cotton - CPC - 11/19/2016 - Using BHAT™ System, CPC Blitz, Practice Exams
Quincy James - CPC - 12/22/2016 - Using CPC Course (PBC), CPC Blitz
Connie Whitesides - CRC - 11/06/2016 - Using CRC Blitz, Practice Exams
Suman Shreyaah - CRC - 12/17/2016 - Using CRC Blitz

Related CPC Exam Passers and CCO Graduates:

December 2016 CCO Graduates, CRC, COC and CPC Exam Passers – Part 3
December 2016 CCO Graduates, CRC, COC and CPC Exam Passers - Part 2
December 2016 CCO Graduates, CRC, COC and CPC Exam Passers - Part 1
November 2016 CCO Graduates on QandA Webinar

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