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Never a dull moment

Rosetta D

Well-Known Member
PBC Student (CPC®)
CCO Club Member
ICD-10-CM Student
~ Yesterday I went to Six Flags--Great Adventure--NJ--while in the bathroom with my son---I have a stroller and small pocket book that I hang on the "hook" ---as I am going to bathroom ..my son is playing with the lock, trying to peek under the door--touching everything...( basically making me crazy ..:)--
-I go out wash our hands ,,wash out a few sippy cups---and meet my husband out the door and start walking 50 feet----I then realize I forget my my pocket book in the stall hanging on the hook in the bathroom----I yell out to my husband and start running back----I am knocking on the stall like a mad woman-----telling who is in there to open the door...( it has been 5,6, or 8 minutes from when I was in there---so there could have been a bunch of woman after me)----then my daughter comes running in the bathroom----saying mom we have your pocket book-----my daughter noticed a woman outside walking--with it on her shoulder--and told my husband and he went to her shoulder and took it off and said that is my wife bag----she said she was going to bring it to security------Thank Goodness we have it----I had both set of car keys in there---my wallet , money ....basically my life!---

~~ then we got over the pocket book incident ---went to go get my son pizza---he is sitting on a picnic bench---and falls backwards and bangs his head on concrete----nice lump, a little blood and a visit to Six Flags --first aide for a bag of ice
~ At the end----we had a really nice day---and a few great stories to tell----never a dull moment :)

Rosetta D

Well-Known Member
PBC Student (CPC®)
CCO Club Member
ICD-10-CM Student
btw---the woman that was in the stall---never did open the door----I really was knocking like a mad woman...omg!!!!!! :)

Alicia Scott

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What an adventure. We have Six Flags in St. Louis and had hoped to take the children before school started but our paths got side tracked.

Carolyn Heath

Well-Known Member
CCO Club Member
CCO Practicoder
Rosetta, that was quite a story! Alicia, I hope you get to take your children to Six Flags before school starts.