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Resources for exCRC Exam


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am studying to take the CRC next month. Just thought I would share some resources/links that I have found helpful so far. Please share any resources you have found helpful as well.

resDAC has lots of information on both CDPS and Medicare:


This YouTube video explains HEDIS in more detail.

This YouTube video explains risk adjustment in more detail and some of the finer details, although some of the details vary from what we currently do in my organization for risk adjustment so just be aware that it may not align 100% with what you come across.



New Member
This is also an excellent video on Medicare risk adjustment:

It is from 2013 so he is talking about ICD-9 codes and some of those have changed as far as what maps to HCCs for 2015, but he gives a great overview and many examples of the financial impact correct coding can have.


New Member
This is also an excellent video on Medicare risk adjustment:

It is from 2013 so he is talking about ICD-9 codes and some of those have changed as far as what maps to HCCs for 2015, but he gives a great overview and many examples of the financial impact correct coding can have.