Poll – Are you ICD-10 proficient? The choice are: Yes – with CCO’s help, Yes – with other prep, Yes- on your own, No – not yet, I need to get moving before December 31st. This is a new poll; we’re very interested in the responses here.
ICD 10 Proficiency Assessment – Are You Ready? July 2015 – Video

Alicia: That’s right. A lot of people don’t know that if you are credentialed with a corecredential
through the AAPC, they require that you have this proficiency assessment completed andpassed by December 31st of this year. And, they have stated whether there’s implementation or not, they’re moving forward and you have to have this done; so keep that in mind.
Laureen: Wow! 57% are dragging their feet. Well, hopefully, you paid attention during that ICD-10 slide. And, 5% yes with CCO’s help, 23% yes with other prep, and yes on their own, 15%. So, for those of you that have not yet, don’t be afraid. We do have a free 90-minute webinar, if you go to www.cco.us, it’s normally the pop-up screen right there; if you missed it when we did it before, catch another time that we’re doing it. It was a very good presentation on how not to stress about it. A lot of people said with that, they went forward and went ahead and did it. But the Blitz is another great way to get your skills up. So, if you have any questions, just email [email protected] and we’ll point you in the right direction.
Learn More About ICD 10 Proficiency Assessment
2015 ICD 10 Proficiency Assessment Exam Passers
AAPC – ICD-10 Proficiency Assessment & Prep (Step 5)