Boyd: Hi everyone today we’re talking about how to become a certified medical coder or medical biller. We are talking specifically about the medical coding and billing package here at CCO. I am Boyd, your web master here, and along with me today is LaureenJandroep, the founder and CCO of CCO.US, and our queen instructor, who’s put together this package for everybody out there. Laureen this is targeted at a specific kind of person, tell us who that is.
Laureen: Well we found you know we do a lot of consultation calls with people that are interested in this field. They get a little overwhelmed with all the alphabet soup, or all the different credentials, and they just don’t know where to start. They know they’re interested in it, so we developed this package to give them the three best courses that they need to be successful in this field, and that’s medical terminology and anatomy, a medical coding course, and a medical billing course. With those three things they really can do a variety of jobs. They can decide at the end where they want to aim their job aspirations. Maybe after doing the course work they’ll decide, “Medical coding is what I want to do.” Or they’ll decide, “No, I really like the medical billing.” The reality is there’s a lot of jobs that combine both, so they’ll have the skill set of both of those specialty areas to be able to get those kind of jobs.
Overview Medical Billing and Coding Training CCO Part 1 Overview – Video

Boyd: The advantage of a course like this, for example, is if you think that you might want to start in billing, then you can certainly do that, but if you want to then go into coding you’ve really got the options to go both ways so you’re not limited by one thing. Then you find out, “Oh this doesn’t work for me. I really wish I would have purchased something different.” This gets you into both worlds.
Laureen: Yeah, and we find learning it in that order, like the medical terminology with the coding, and then the billing is the best way to get the information. Because medical coding is a part of billing. You know billers will enter it into the billing systems and do all of the insurance verification, all that type of work, but they will also be entering codes. They could also need to look up codes and understand codes. If you do the medical coding course first, and then billing, all the pieces fit together better in a more logical order. That’s how we put the package together the way that we did.
Boyd: Let’s take a look at the member’s area and give an idea of what the packages look like for people when they purchase.
Laureen: Right, so as soon as you enroll in this package you will get access to all of these, we call them subscriptions, but they’re basically courses or additional material. The first one listed is the medical terminology and anatomy course. Then the PBC, which is our physician based coding course. Our PBB, which is the physician based billing course. Then the bonuses, we’ve got a CPC Blitz video package, which is basically after you finish the medical coding course and you’re getting ready to sit for the National Board Exam, the CPC, this does a review of everything that you learned and teaches you some exam taking tips, and includes a practice exam.
Then we have the ICD-10 Blitz, which our course currently is teaching you on ICD-9, and then to learn the new diagnostic coding system we have an ICD-10 Blitz course. That is a short course. It’s based on a two day live event that was recorded. That will bring your ICD-9 knowledge up to ICD-10. Then you get a free years access to our replay club. It’s normally nineteen ninety-five a month, so that’s a bonus that we give to our students.
Our CCO CEU Club, which is going to be launched very soon here, you’ll also have access to that for a year. Actually all of our courses are normally a year, but with this special package we’ve added another bonus and extended all of them by six months. You get eighteen months of access overall, plenty of time to finish these courses. Most people take four to six months to finish the medical terminology and medical coding courses together, and then another three to four months to finish the billing course. We know sometimes life interrupts, so it’s nice to know you have that cushion of extra time should you need it.
Boyd: The advantage of doing this particular course this particular way is that you can do it at your own speed, so you’re not limited by, like Laureen said, circumstances that come up that prevent you from getting to class whether that be in your local neighborhood or whatever. As long as you’ve got an internet connection you can download these and take it at your own pace.
Laureen: Absolutely, and you know just to speak to that a little bit all of our courses are designed to mirror a classroom experience, but give you the positives of doing it online. What I mean by that is you will have a textbook and a workbook for all the courses, and then when you go to class, so to speak, as if you were driving to class, you go to your computer. In a classroom situation when you would go to class you would go to listen to your instructor, and you would go to maybe take a test once in a while, so that’s what you’ll do when you come to the computer and you log in here. Everything else, your reading assignments, your exercises, you’re going to be doing at the kitchen or dining room table.
We’ve thrown in a few online exercises too, but it’s really the best of both worlds. Rather than the old days when e-learning first came out it was like you were glued to the computer, your reading was done screen by screen, you had to hit next, next, next. We don’t do that. You watch a video as if the instructor’s teaching it. Why don’t I go inside and show you what it looks like. Is that what you’d like me to do next Boyd?
Boyd: Absolutely, great idea.
Laureen: Okay, so I’m going to go into the medical terminology course just as an example. They’re all laid out very similarly. You start with a general information area that’s expanded by default. You can collapse it if you want. Here we’ve got the syllabus. You’ve got links to access the help desk if you’re having any technical difficulties. You can also reach your coach through this link as well. We’ve got discussion boards that are private just to the students, so as long as you are a student member, so in your case if you sign up for the bundle it’s eighteen months. You’ll get access to all these great private conversations going on with our students. They’re very very encouraging, and a big benefit to our courses.
We’ve also got iTunes access, which will allow you to download the lectures to your iTunes account, and iTunes works in Windows and Apple devices. If you’re commuting, and you don’t have internet, and you want to watch it on your iPad or something like that you can do that with this. This is a very nice feature of the platform that we use here. Once you get past the introductory stuff you would go into one of the modules. In this case for medical terminology we have fifteen modules. I’m going to expand module one, and most of our courses that come with a textbook you will be given access to the first chapter, so that you can start right away. You don’t have to wait for your books to get to you. This is just a Pdf and you could go ahead and view it. I have a sample here for medical terminology already pulled up. You can see it’s just, you can scroll through it. You can download it if you need to. You can get started right away. It’s literally taken from the same book that you will be using. Let me go back here.
The video lecture, this is obviously, I would say, the biggest value you get from taking courses is you get to hear us be your instructors, and do lectures, and discussions. In this case I have the one pulled up for the first module for medical terminology: Introduction to Healthcare Terminology. You can see, the instructors are normally a little talking head to the side, so you can see the facial expressions as if you were in a classroom. Then you can just hit play as if you’re watching a YouTube video when you hit play. You can see I’m talking and you can see my slides. You can use this scrubber it’s called to go back, to rewind, to go fast forward. If you have to stop in the middle of the lecture just make a note of the time-stamp. Okay, this is at forty-seven minutes and two seconds, jot that down, the next time you come back here just grab the scrubber and advance to that part on the timeline. It’s a very nice feature.
If you have a question on something that the instructor said and you want to ask your coach you can say, “At the forty-seven minute mark Laureen said X, I’m a little confused by that. Can you help clarify it for me?” They can go right there and hear what the instructor said, “Ah okay I see what you’re talking about.” And can help answer you, so that’s really nice about the videos. You can click this button here and have it take up full screen if you want, so that’s a nice feature as well.
Medical Billing and Coding Training CCO Part 2 Members Area

Boyd: There’s also some exams as I understand it that one can take through each of these modules.
Laureen: Yeah, so let me jump over there. I had already started this and the exam platform we use allows you to pause the test. Like this is a fifty question test. That could take you a little while, it could take you an hour. Maybe you’re thirty minutes into it and kids interrupt, or something happens and you have to pause. You can save and resume, just remember your email you use and the password, and you can pick up where you left off.
So with this exam platform you can take it as many times as you want. We want you to get a seventy percent before you move onto the next module. Maybe you got a seventy-five, and you’re not happy with that score, and you want to take it again, go ahead. You can do that. Most of our tests are pulling from a pool, so if this is a fifty question test, we might have a hundred questions. The next time you take it you might get some of the same questions, but you’ll get a bunch a new ones as well. Take it as often as you wish. Every time you take an exam the platform will send you an email with your results, your score and your results. We’ll also send it to our help desk and the instructor will get a copy of it there.
Learn More Details About Overview Medical Billing and Coding Training
Medical Billing and Coding Online Courses – Video
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