Q: Study Tips for CPC Exam: I just completed my medical coding classes through my local community college; how would be the best way to study for the exam? I am fearful of failing since I still get confused on some things – Lona.
A: Well, we’re here to help you with that. I would suggest that the Blitz that we offer is the best way to study for the CPC exam.
- It allows you to get your manuals in shape and ready to go.
- It helps you with speed.
- It gives you a practice exam. There are just tons of tips and practical application in coding that comes with the Blitz.
Medical Coding Certification Exam – Study CPC Exam Tips – Video

Now, let’s say you’re not ready to buy the Blitz. We have a free CPC practice exam, so maybe you know more than you think. Get our free practice exam, which is a cpc mock exam, go through, do it. If you score 85%, you’re ready to go. You know what you need to know, and your timing is good. Let’s say you struggle and you’re close, well get some more practice exams. And in fact you can contact the helpdesk@ and we can give you a list of a bunch of practice exams in the order that we suggest that you try them. Again, we have free ones. And then there are some that they don’t really cost very much, they’re maybe $30 give or take, for a practice exam.
Again, if you do fine with those, you’re ready to go. If you struggle, then go pick up the Blitz is what I would suggest everybody to do. And Lona, you’ll be surprised how well that preps you. We have had several people that have gone through medical coding classes in the college, and several of the instructors have taught at colleges and they don’t prep you for the exam. They teach you how to code and it’s like looking things up in the telephone book. It’s pretty basic and pretty easy to do
I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to go through a community college, it’s well-rounded education and you get college credits for that, so it looks really good on your resume and it could be a stepping stone to other degrees that you may want to get, but again their focus is not having you prep for the CPC exam. We’ve had people that went through community colleges, got the degree or the help from them, and then turned around and took our course to polish them and get them ready to take the CPC exam.