Q #23: Interested in AWV and measures reporting…
A. Alicia: I don’t know what AWV is.
Laureen: Yeah. If you could put that in the discussion board and spell it out for us.
After the webinar, we found out:
AWV: Annual Wellness Visit There are HEDIS® measures: One list found at: http://www.fchp.org/providers/resources/hedis-measures.aspx
HEDIS® stands for Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set. Check out Wikipedia for an overview of HEDIS®. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HEDIS
About Medical Coding and Billing Courses Online – Video

Q #24: Would love to know more on how coding for history and physical before surgery is to be done. I’m finding insurance companies all pay differently for these.
A: Laureen: I think you kind of answered your own question. It’s ‘your mileage may vary’ based on payer, but definitely start a thread in the discussion board and I’m sure you’ll have others that can help you with that.
Q #25: Someone asked if they have to wait to turn in the CEU that we just gave you (during the webinar) or wait until the end of the presentation.
A: We’re done. This is just extra.
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