Alexandria Virgina Chapter 70308 President, Yolanda T Haskins, has recommended to her chapter members- especially those who have failed on their past attempts to pass the CPC exam.
Watch her video testimonial to learn why Laureen Jandroep and the CCO educational programs are a good fit for her members education.
Coding Certification Review – Yolanda T Haskins Video

I have taken the CPC exam twice; failed both. The second exam wasn’t that bad. What I missed were all from HCPCS. Now that I am working in the DME billing field, it may help me when i take the exam again this summer. But i am also encouraged to hear that reviewing with Coding Certification will be a plus when I am studying for the exam.
I am very excited to pursue coding, I am excited to prepare and pass my CPC exam.
Thank you.
Tricia Reynolds
Thanks Tricia – we wish you the best. Do join our community discussion board at – there are many that are where you are or were recently. Also this article may be of interest and this forum post
Best wishes! –Laureen