The “Learn It” category represents resources that apply to those just learning about medical coding, seeking courses and training to prepare them for a career in medical coding.
Do You Have Free Medical Coding CEUS? Starting in 2024, we now offer 1 free CEU to anyone that attends our live monthly Q&A webinars. Read more here. If you need a bunch at once, you can join the CCO …
Q: “I am very interested in becoming a certified medical coder; however, I don’t know which certificate to study for. I have 34 years of outpatient hospital bill experience alone with some coding practice at a major hospital.”
That right there is awesome that they want to take all of that experience and get certified in that.
“I am presently retired and would like to get certified to do remote medical coding. Should I go for a CPC, COC, or CCS certification?”
A: We’re going to break down what each of those are.
CCO Education Director and Coach Alicia Scott, CPC, CPC-I, CRC One of the things we’ve learned here at Certification Coaching Organization (CCO) and also in the years that I’ve worked in medical coding is that people who want to get …
Quick Lineup of CCO Medical Billing and Coding Courses CCO September 2015 Lineup of Medical Billing and Coding Courses – Video This is just a quick lineup of all of our medical billing and coding courses. Just a little over …
Alicia: Oh, good, wound care. You guys, I really like wound care. You keep saying, “Is there anything you don’t like?” Yeah. I don’t like E/M leveling but wound care is really fascinating and I’ve wanted to for a while …
Q: [Lesion 10,000 Series] – I get confused when it comes to report per lesion and report number of lesions in the 10,000 series. Please help! A: OK. What I did was I just put together some information, went and …
Alicia: Q: [ICD-10 Subsequent Acute Myocardial Infarction] – This example comes from AAPC Quick Reference. I want to know why we need 2 codes. Is this only ICD-10 rule? A patient suffers an acute MI of the inferior wall 2 …